

The firm’s insurance team is composed of highly specialized lawyers, who counsel and represent both the insured parties and insurance companies on a wide range of complex insurance matters including liability arising out of construction site accidents, political risks insurance, directors’ and officers’ liability and environmental liability.

Our work includes reviewing and interpreting insurance policies and assessing whether certain claims are covered by these policies. Further, we represent clients in parallel proceedings which arise from insurance matters before criminal and civil courts related to fatal accident claims, compensation claims arising from construction works, claims related to property damage and force majeure events.

Indicative cases of our track record:

  • Representing several syndicates at Lloyds
  • Advising an insurance company in relation to claims brought by an employee of a company against a senior executive officer
  • Advising a world’s specialist insurance syndicate and successfully defending one of its insured companies in an action brought against it by the next-of-kin of a worker, who was fatally injured during the construction of one of the largest shopping malls in Greece
  • Successfully representing a major insurance syndicate before the courts in a case involving the death of a third party and relating to the construction of a large motorway
  • Advising and successfully representing an insurance company in relation to third party claims brought against the chief executive officer of a bank in the context of the execution of his managerial duties
  • Advising a major insurance syndicate in a case related to an accident having taken place at an archaeological site in Greece
  • Representing an East European company as claimant in an ICC arbitration against a Greek insurance company with a favourable settlement at an early stage
  • Advising clients on insurance policies in relation to the recent force majeure events that occurred in North Africa
  • Advising a client on insurance policies in relation to a major explosion in an energy project